I appreciate Ozzie flagging this, since a nontrivial fraction of the costs of my proposed idea (shelters) would in fact be construction costs for a fairly difficult/novel thing (eg construct an underground shelter for >100 people with BSL IV entry requirements, enough food, fuel and technical sophistication to support >100 people + >5000 frozen fertilized embryos for >30 years), so even if the objection is not applicable to the other project ideas, it should be applicable to mine.
I appreciate Ozzie flagging this, since a nontrivial fraction of the costs of my proposed idea (shelters) would in fact be construction costs for a fairly difficult/novel thing (eg construct an underground shelter for >100 people with BSL IV entry requirements, enough food, fuel and technical sophistication to support >100 people + >5000 frozen fertilized embryos for >30 years), so even if the objection is not applicable to the other project ideas, it should be applicable to mine.