Thanks for writing this interesting post on a novel cause area I’ve never seen presented in this way.
Another aspect perhaps worth mentioning is that the modern world seems to require an increasingly high minimum IQ/contentiousness level to navigate successfully. Reducing paperwork burdens, which can difficult for some people to fill out, could help with this.
That’s definitely true. It’s harder to quantify but the stuff that doesn’t even happen because the paperwork burden is too great is likely even more costly than the time presently spent on paperwork.
Thanks for writing this interesting post on a novel cause area I’ve never seen presented in this way.
Another aspect perhaps worth mentioning is that the modern world seems to require an increasingly high minimum IQ/contentiousness level to navigate successfully. Reducing paperwork burdens, which can difficult for some people to fill out, could help with this.
That’s definitely true. It’s harder to quantify but the stuff that doesn’t even happen because the paperwork burden is too great is likely even more costly than the time presently spent on paperwork.