Given the historical origin of the term, the directly impactful careers folks are probably the ones who would need a new name. And while I think organizations are already specialized or specializing along the lines of careers and direct impact versus funding and socialization between members, I don’t really think that it makes sense to split a movement or philosophical orientation by the methods used to pursue the goals.
I think effective giving and high impact careers aren’t just methods to pursue the same goals, but are also different levels of commitment to doing good / are on different levels of moral demandingness.
I think some people will see the high impact career focus in EA and will consider career changes to be a big sacrifice, and so will feel alienated and not engage with EA at all, even though they could have taken up effective giving if they had come across it separately.
Given the historical origin of the term, the directly impactful careers folks are probably the ones who would need a new name. And while I think organizations are already specialized or specializing along the lines of careers and direct impact versus funding and socialization between members, I don’t really think that it makes sense to split a movement or philosophical orientation by the methods used to pursue the goals.
I think effective giving and high impact careers aren’t just methods to pursue the same goals, but are also different levels of commitment to doing good / are on different levels of moral demandingness.
I think some people will see the high impact career focus in EA and will consider career changes to be a big sacrifice, and so will feel alienated and not engage with EA at all, even though they could have taken up effective giving if they had come across it separately.