My claim is not about the returns to high IQ in general, but about the returns to high IQ in EA. It’s about the value of intelligence as a criterion that we use to reach out to EAs. I think EA places an incredibly high premium on analytical intelligence right now, which is justified given the advantages you point out. But EA is a movement that needs all kinds of people, and in particular it needs capabilities that may be completely orthogonal to analytical intelligence. I gave the example of how intelligence may be much less important than EQ/emotional intelligence for someone who is doing community building or communicating EA to a larger audience.
I think you understand me as staking a claim in this larger debate about human intelligence. I am not.
My claim is not about the returns to high IQ in general, but about the returns to high IQ in EA. It’s about the value of intelligence as a criterion that we use to reach out to EAs. I think EA places an incredibly high premium on analytical intelligence right now, which is justified given the advantages you point out. But EA is a movement that needs all kinds of people, and in particular it needs capabilities that may be completely orthogonal to analytical intelligence. I gave the example of how intelligence may be much less important than EQ/emotional intelligence for someone who is doing community building or communicating EA to a larger audience.
I think you understand me as staking a claim in this larger debate about human intelligence. I am not.
Thank you, I’ll remove the downvotes. On priors a lot of discussion on this topic tends to go bad places fast, so I wanted to head that off.