In the graphs, it looks like all the GPAs are above 4.0. How is this possible? I thought that 4.0 was the maximum GPA, and if you got 100% on all tests and papers and homework in every single class, then you would get a 4.0 GPA? Am I misunderstanding how GPA works nowadays? Does that high school use some kind of a special grading system?
AP classes are sometimes graded on a 5.0 instead of 4.0 scale. A lot of high schools do this but not all of them do. Basically it’s a way of rewarding students for taking harder classes.
In the graphs, it looks like all the GPAs are above 4.0. How is this possible? I thought that 4.0 was the maximum GPA, and if you got 100% on all tests and papers and homework in every single class, then you would get a 4.0 GPA? Am I misunderstanding how GPA works nowadays? Does that high school use some kind of a special grading system?
AP classes are sometimes graded on a 5.0 instead of 4.0 scale. A lot of high schools do this but not all of them do. Basically it’s a way of rewarding students for taking harder classes.