After engaging with the EA community for the last four months through books, online learning materials, an in-depth course, the EAGx Virtual Conference, and applying for open positions, I’ve noticed a few things:
Outreach often starts with EA philosophy and then moves into the cause areas.
Learning about EA is time-consuming.
There aren’t many high-impact jobs in EA (especially for non-experts).
I’m considering starting a project that could introduce more people to EA through short-form, educational video content similar to NPR’s Planet Money and/or short, self-directed mini-courses. Topics might be: Will my job be replaced by AI?/Why should I worry about the next pandemic?/How could improving air quality save a ton of lives?
Here are my questions:
How do we help maximize the impact of those who can’t/won’t switch to high-impact careers or earn to give? Is it worth it?
How much could EA and EA causes benefit from a large number of people having a surface-level to intermediate understanding of the cause areas themselves? The following scenarios immediately jump to mind:
Potential donors/EtGs become aware of an issue.
Voters become aware of an issue and pressure their elected officials to do something about it.
[Question] What is the point of EA outreach?
After engaging with the EA community for the last four months through books, online learning materials, an in-depth course, the EAGx Virtual Conference, and applying for open positions, I’ve noticed a few things:
Outreach often starts with EA philosophy and then moves into the cause areas.
Learning about EA is time-consuming.
There aren’t many high-impact jobs in EA (especially for non-experts).
I’m considering starting a project that could introduce more people to EA through short-form, educational video content similar to NPR’s Planet Money and/or short, self-directed mini-courses. Topics might be: Will my job be replaced by AI?/Why should I worry about the next pandemic?/How could improving air quality save a ton of lives?
Here are my questions:
How do we help maximize the impact of those who can’t/won’t switch to high-impact careers or earn to give? Is it worth it?
How much could EA and EA causes benefit from a large number of people having a surface-level to intermediate understanding of the cause areas themselves? The following scenarios immediately jump to mind:
Potential donors/EtGs become aware of an issue.
Voters become aware of an issue and pressure their elected officials to do something about it.
Elected officials themselves become aware of an issue.
Even if all content is vetted by SMEs, does the risk of distilling/disseminating this info outweigh any benefits?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts!