This should become an EA priority over the next decade, because the old model where personal networks that allows us to become efficient don’t work above Dunbar’s number.
I don’t think this is true. Dunbar’s number is a limit on the number of social relationships an individual can cognitively sustain. But the sorts of networks needed to facilitate productive work are different than those needed to sustain fulfilling social relations. If there is a norm that people are willing to productively collaborate with the unknown contact of a known contact, then surely you can sustain a productive community with approx Dunbar’s number ^2 people (if each member of my Dunbar-sized community has their own equivalently-sized community with no shared members).
A widespread and popular belief posits that humans possess a cognitive capacity that is limited to keeping track of and maintaining stable relationships with approximately 150 people. This influential number, ‘Dunbar’s number’, originates from an extrapolation of a regression line describing the relationship between relative neocortex size and group size in primates. Here, we test if there is statistical support for this idea. Our analyses on complementary datasets using different methods yield wildly different numbers. Bayesian and generalized least-squares phylogenetic methods generate approximations of average group sizes between 69–109 and 16–42, respectively. However, enormous 95% confidence intervals (4–520 and 2–336, respectively) imply that specifying any one number is futile. A cognitive limit on human group size cannot be derived in this manner.
This should become an EA priority over the next decade, because the old model where personal networks that allows us to become efficient don’t work above Dunbar’s number.
I don’t think this is true. Dunbar’s number is a limit on the number of social relationships an individual can cognitively sustain. But the sorts of networks needed to facilitate productive work are different than those needed to sustain fulfilling social relations. If there is a norm that people are willing to productively collaborate with the unknown contact of a known contact, then surely you can sustain a productive community with approx Dunbar’s number ^2 people (if each member of my Dunbar-sized community has their own equivalently-sized community with no shared members).
Dunbar’s number has received scholarly criticism.