Does pretending that one isn’t employed by X (one can have plausible deniability when one says that “one is employed by a stealth AI organization”—and there are enough stealth AI organizations out there that one can pretend to be employed by any of them), when one is in fact employed by X, help reduce the temptation to spread infohazards? (in which case—if someone is secretly employed by institution X but does not want to say that they’re employed by X, how would they pretend not to be a NEET so they wouldn’t face the social stigma associated with being NEET?)
FYI—the emotional toll of keeping secrets can be lower for some people with trolling/shitposting tendencies b/c there are fewer expectations for them to produce a directionally truthful answer to prompts about their main project. roon is kind of a shitposter, and many people don’t expect him to provide a truthful answer on what projects he is working on. Trolls/shitposters (or just people with crazy ADHD) also have less difficulty with announcing alternative unserious projects they’re working on (which can serve as decoys)! [or they may also present themselves as having a relationship with X very different from their actual relationship with X]. ALSO trolls/shitposters just know how to distract people away from temptation (this does not always work esp in front of extremely high-agency players, but works enough to be worth mentioning).
Also, DO NOT MAKE INFOHAZARDS HILARIOUS (the more hilarious, the more tempting it is for some to share them).
The volatility of some people drastically decreases when given permanent economic security—for some other people they are inherently volatile whether or not they have economic insecurity. Some people have something they’re really missing that (once filled up with economic security or once their emotional neediness needs are filled) ⇒ makes them much more reliable to not get into emotionally volatile situations long-run.
I’m also curious if psychedelic use is predictive of leaking (or not leaking) infohazards. I would guess that some people are much more risky with them, while it does not affect the ability of others to leak infohazards (they increase volatility in some and decrease volatility in othe. It could be that some people may only be employable at infohazard-y corporations once they swear off all unsupervised psychedelic use (just like I know EAs who quit psychedelic use upon entering politics).
Also as a final note—I think others are more tempted to to leak secrets if they think they have access to highly desireable information...
Does pretending that one isn’t employed by X (one can have plausible deniability when one says that “one is employed by a stealth AI organization”—and there are enough stealth AI organizations out there that one can pretend to be employed by any of them), when one is in fact employed by X, help reduce the temptation to spread infohazards? (in which case—if someone is secretly employed by institution X but does not want to say that they’re employed by X, how would they pretend not to be a NEET so they wouldn’t face the social stigma associated with being NEET?)
FYI—the emotional toll of keeping secrets can be lower for some people with trolling/shitposting tendencies b/c there are fewer expectations for them to produce a directionally truthful answer to prompts about their main project. roon is kind of a shitposter, and many people don’t expect him to provide a truthful answer on what projects he is working on. Trolls/shitposters (or just people with crazy ADHD) also have less difficulty with announcing alternative unserious projects they’re working on (which can serve as decoys)! [or they may also present themselves as having a relationship with X very different from their actual relationship with X]. ALSO trolls/shitposters just know how to distract people away from temptation (this does not always work esp in front of extremely high-agency players, but works enough to be worth mentioning).
Also, DO NOT MAKE INFOHAZARDS HILARIOUS (the more hilarious, the more tempting it is for some to share them).
The volatility of some people drastically decreases when given permanent economic security—for some other people they are inherently volatile whether or not they have economic insecurity. Some people have something they’re really missing that (once filled up with economic security or once their emotional neediness needs are filled) ⇒ makes them much more reliable to not get into emotionally volatile situations long-run.
I’m also curious if psychedelic use is predictive of leaking (or not leaking) infohazards. I would guess that some people are much more risky with them, while it does not affect the ability of others to leak infohazards (they increase volatility in some and decrease volatility in othe. It could be that some people may only be employable at infohazard-y corporations once they swear off all unsupervised psychedelic use (just like I know EAs who quit psychedelic use upon entering politics).
Also as a final note—I think others are more tempted to to leak secrets if they think they have access to highly desireable information...
Also how does one stress-test tendency to reveal infohazards when one is under severe stress, like anger, despair, desperation, or mania?
Ideally one would stress-test as little as possible..