Was Cremieux considered to be one of the HBD/eugenics people?
[Twitter also kept pushing him into my feed even though I didn’t follow him...]
If you look at the schedule of events(https://schedule.manifest.is/Manifest?view=text), Jonathan Anomaly is the only person who is very clearly HBD (the Collins allegedly, and then there’s Stephen Hsu, who’s HBD-adjacent). From the surface, it doesn’t look like the HBD participants got any extra-special visibility? (though they just might be especially conspicuous in how unfiltered they are in bringing the topics out ) Gene Smith is there and has a post on gene editing for intelligence but AFAIK has never been associated with the HBD crowd (and doesn’t get into the controversial social aspects) [also, gene-editing, unlike eugenics, can help empower the “have nots”].
^enhancing equanimity through tFUS is very low-hanging fruit for improving QALYs and overall human lived experience (and is upstream of better decision making and all other good outcomes)
@NickCammarata is also v. into this, says that helping people there out >>> undergrad research just to get into neuro positions