On a side note: I think this is beautifully written, and I would be happy, to read future posts from you. These personal glimpses in other people’s struggle with EA concepts and values is something that I think might really be valuable to the community, and not many people have the talent to provide it.
Well. I’m floored. People keep upvoting this and saying such wonderfully kind things in the comments . . . Every time I got the notification there was a new comment under this post, I internally flinched and cringed. I’d just written at length about my internal subjective experience, and I regretted writing it from before I clicked submit. It took a lot of evidence piling up to convince the socially cautious part of my brain it was wrong.
I’m going to update hard towards writing pieces like this one/writing more frequently. It seems like other people ought to as well, it seems like something people want to read. I imagine most of us don’t have any new breakthroughs to report in the field of effective altruism. But we probably all have interesting days where we face dilemmas or win victories which would make utterly no sense to most anyone. And, I guess it makes sense you’d want to hear mine because I’d like to hear yours.
On a side note: I think this is beautifully written, and I would be happy, to read future posts from you. These personal glimpses in other people’s struggle with EA concepts and values is something that I think might really be valuable to the community, and not many people have the talent to provide it.
Well. I’m floored. People keep upvoting this and saying such wonderfully kind things in the comments . . . Every time I got the notification there was a new comment under this post, I internally flinched and cringed. I’d just written at length about my internal subjective experience, and I regretted writing it from before I clicked submit. It took a lot of evidence piling up to convince the socially cautious part of my brain it was wrong.
I’m going to update hard towards writing pieces like this one/writing more frequently. It seems like other people ought to as well, it seems like something people want to read. I imagine most of us don’t have any new breakthroughs to report in the field of effective altruism. But we probably all have interesting days where we face dilemmas or win victories which would make utterly no sense to most anyone. And, I guess it makes sense you’d want to hear mine because I’d like to hear yours.
I accidentally posted this comment four times, due largely to technical incompetence. Which is fine, I suppose; it adds emphasis!