Messaging: Who are the best ‘messengers’ for highlighting X/GCRs to policymakers? How can they best be supported?
I think a related idea would be “What are the best ways of assessing what policy proposals will be tractable and what framings are best? How good are they? ” E.g., how much should we invest in polling, message testing, talking to experts/grantmakers/campaigners/etc., or Tetlock-style forecasting to assess what policies might get public and policymaker support and what framings might best support them?
(We could also of course ask “What policy proposals will be tractable and what framings are best?”, and use those methods to answer it, but then that’s not meta policy research.)
I think a related idea would be “What are the best ways of assessing what policy proposals will be tractable and what framings are best? How good are they? ” E.g., how much should we invest in polling, message testing, talking to experts/grantmakers/campaigners/etc., or Tetlock-style forecasting to assess what policies might get public and policymaker support and what framings might best support them?
(We could also of course ask “What policy proposals will be tractable and what framings are best?”, and use those methods to answer it, but then that’s not meta policy research.)