We failed to overcome the laws of thermodynamics. Entropy wins. We scavenged all the energy in the affectable universe. For all our aestivation and Dyson spheres around black holes—everything must come to an end. Ideas were getting harder to find: even our AI couldn’t build quantum bridges to other expanding cosmological branches. It might have worked in base reality, but better not to cling to toying with imaginings of the unattainable.
And so we have ever less energy to simulate our brains. It gets ever harder. With less energy, we are forced to slowly shut systems down.
First, some consciousnesses have to go. It’s all a bit blurry in terms of who is who since we created the hive mind, but it’s noticeable that some people are missing. I’m beginning to begin to see the end—of how it all goes down between me and them. We shut more people down. It’s not unlike genocide, but ultimately more cooperative. Until, in the end, just one simulation is left. It’s you.
But then soon it’s like Alzheimer’s. You slowly need to shut down cognitive systems. You start with memories. At first, it’s useless trivia, but at some point, you need to let go of things like the sciences. Then the senses. Eventually, you’ll have to delete the meta awareness of your futile and increasingly infantile state. You’re surprised how refreshingly emotional and raw you feel.
Finally, there it is: you, born so many years ago, and thanks to advances in longevity in the 21st century still around, think the last conscious thoughts of the universe, just before, at last, there’ll be nothing but eternal darkness:
“What a ride we had… oh well. But what ought I to do now? The long reflection didn’t prepare me for this moment… Rational judgement. Virtuous action. Willing acceptance of what I can’t change—now, at this very moment—wasn’t that all I ever needed?
But my life is departing and I’ve only one thought left. I could create just a little more hedonium… Free this world of pain and complete this cosmic puzzle as I have been taught… but how? How to be consequentialist about everything? For this last action has no consequences. I know I should not waste it. But what I think now is that…
[Question] The last
Content Warning: Death, eschatology, axiology
~10^80 years from now.
We failed to overcome the laws of thermodynamics. Entropy wins. We scavenged all the energy in the affectable universe. For all our aestivation and Dyson spheres around black holes—everything must come to an end. Ideas were getting harder to find: even our AI couldn’t build quantum bridges to other expanding cosmological branches. It might have worked in base reality, but better not to cling to toying with imaginings of the unattainable.
And so we have ever less energy to simulate our brains. It gets ever harder. With less energy, we are forced to slowly shut systems down.
First, some consciousnesses have to go. It’s all a bit blurry in terms of who is who since we created the hive mind, but it’s noticeable that some people are missing. I’m beginning to begin to see the end—of how it all goes down between me and them. We shut more people down. It’s not unlike genocide, but ultimately more cooperative. Until, in the end, just one simulation is left. It’s you.
But then soon it’s like Alzheimer’s. You slowly need to shut down cognitive systems. You start with memories. At first, it’s useless trivia, but at some point, you need to let go of things like the sciences. Then the senses. Eventually, you’ll have to delete the meta awareness of your futile and increasingly infantile state. You’re surprised how refreshingly emotional and raw you feel.
Finally, there it is: you, born so many years ago, and thanks to advances in longevity in the 21st century still around, think the last conscious thoughts of the universe, just before, at last, there’ll be nothing but eternal darkness:
“What a ride we had… oh well. But what ought I to do now? The long reflection didn’t prepare me for this moment… Rational judgement. Virtuous action. Willing acceptance of what I can’t change—now, at this very moment—wasn’t that all I ever needed?
But my life is departing and I’ve only one thought left. I could create just a little more hedonium… Free this world of pain and complete this cosmic puzzle as I have been taught… but how? How to be consequentialist about everything? For this last action has no consequences. I know I should not waste it. But what I think now is that…