- Having spent a couple of months working on this topic, do you still think AI science capabilities are especially important to explore, cf AI in other contexts? I ask because I’ve been thinking and reading a lot about this recently, and I keep changing my mind about the answer.
Answering just for myself and not for the team: I don’t have a confident answer to this. I have updated in the direction that capabilities for autonomous science work are more similar to general problem-solving capabilities than I thought previously. I think that means that these capabilities could be more likely to emerge from a powerful general model than from a narrow “science model”. Still, I think there is something specific about how the scientific process develops new knowledge and then builds on that, and how new findings can update the world-view in a way that might discredit a lot of the previous training data (or change how it’s interpreted).
Thanks, I’m glad you found it useful!
Answering just for myself and not for the team: I don’t have a confident answer to this. I have updated in the direction that capabilities for autonomous science work are more similar to general problem-solving capabilities than I thought previously. I think that means that these capabilities could be more likely to emerge from a powerful general model than from a narrow “science model”.
Still, I think there is something specific about how the scientific process develops new knowledge and then builds on that, and how new findings can update the world-view in a way that might discredit a lot of the previous training data (or change how it’s interpreted).