I think an outsider may reasonably get the impression that HLI thinks its value is correlated with their ability to showcase the effectiveness of mental health charities, or of WELLBYs as an alternate metric to cause prioritisation. It might also be the case that HLI believes this, based on their published approach, which seems to assume that 1) happiness is what ultimately matters and 2) subjective wellbeing scores are the best way of measuring this. But I don’t personally think this is the case—I think the main value of an organisation like HLI is to help the GH research community work out the extent to which SWB scores are valuable in cause prioritisation, and how we best integrate these with existing measures (or indeed, replace them if appropriate). In a world where HLI works out that WELLBYs actually aren’t the best way of measuring SWB, or that actually we should weigh DALYs to SWB at a 1:5 ratio or a 4:1 ratio instead of replacing existing measures wholesale or disregarding them entirely, I’d still see these research conclusions as highly valuable (even if the money shifted metric might not be similarly high). And I think these should be possibilities that HLI remain open to in its research and considers in its theory of change going forward—though this is based mainly from a truth-seeking / epistemics perspective, and not because I have a deep knowledge of the SWB / happiness literature to have a well-formed view on this (though my sense is that it’s also not a settled question). I’m not suggesting that HLI is not already considering this or doing this, just that from reading the HLI website / published comments, it’s hard to clearly tell that this is the case (and I haven’t looked through the entire website, so I may have missed it).
====== Longer:
I think some things that may support Elliot’s views here:
HLI was founded with the mission of finding something better than GiveWell top charities under a subjective wellbeing (SWB) method. That means it’s beneficial for HLI in terms of achieving its phase 1 goal and mission that StrongMinds is highly effective. GiveWell doesn’t have this pressure of finding something better than it’s current best charities (or not to the same degree).
HLI’s investigation of various mental health programmes lead to its strong endorsement for StrongMinds. This was in part based on StrongMinds being the only organisation on HLI’s shortlist (of 13 orgs) to respond and engage with HLI’s request for information. Two potential scenarios for this:
HLI’s hypothesis that mental health charities are systematically undervalued is right, and thus, it’s not necessarily that StrongMinds is uniquely good (acknowledged by HLI here), but the very best mental health charities are all better than non-mental health charities under WELLBYs measurements, which is HLI’s preferred approach RE: “how to do the most good”. However this might bump up against priors or base rates or views around how good mental health charities on HLI’s shortlist might be vs existing GiveWell charities are as comparisons, whether all of global health prioritisation, aid or EA aid has been getting things wrong and we are in need of a paradigm shift, as well as whether WELLBYs and SWB scores alone should be a sufficient metric for “doing the most good”.
Mental health charities are not systematically undervalued, and current aid / EA global health work isn’t in need of a huge paradigm shift, but StrongMinds is uniquely good, and HLI were fortunate that the one that responded happened to be the one that responded. However, if an outsider’s priors on the effectiveness of good mental health interventions generally are much lower than HLI’s, it might seem like this result is very fortuitous for HLI’s mission and goals. On the other hand, there are some reasons to think they might be at least somewhat correlated:
well-run organisations are more likely to have capacity to respond to outside requests for information
organisations with good numbers are more likely to share their numbers etc
HLI have never published any conclusions that are net harmful for WELLBYs or mental health interventions. Depending on how much an outsider thinks GiveWell is wrong here, they might expect GiveWell to be wrong in different directions, and not only in one direction. Some pushback: HLI is young, and would reasonably focus on organisations that is most likely to be successful and most likely to change GiveWell funding priorities. These results are also what you’d expect if GiveWell IS in fact wrong on how charities should be measured.
I think ultimately the combination could contribute to an outsider’s uncertainty around whether they can take HLI’s conclusions at face value, or whether they believe these are the result of an unbiased search optimising for truth-seeking, e.g. if they don’t know who HLI researchers are or don’t have any reason to trust them beyond what they see from HLI’s outputs.
Some important disclaimers:
-All of these discussions are made possible because of HLI (and SM)’s transparency, which should be acknowledged.
-It seems much harder to defend against claims that paints HLI as an “advocacy org” or suggests motivated reasoning etc than to make the claim. It’s also the case that these findings are consistent with what we would expect if the claims 1) “WELLBYs or subjective wellbeing score alone is the best metric for ‘doing the most good’” and 2) “Existing metrics systematically undervalue mental health charities” are true, and HLI is taking a dispassionate, unbiased view towards this. All I’m saying is that an outsider might prefer to not default to believing this.
-It’s hard to be in a position to be challenging the status quo, in a community where reputation is important, and the status quo is highly trusted. Ultimately, I think this kind of work is worth doing, and I’m happy to see this level of engagement and hope it continues in the future.
-Lastly, I don’t want this message (or any of my other messages) to be interpreted to be an attack on HLI itself. For example, I found HLI’sDeworming and decay: replicating GiveWell’s cost-effectiveness analysis to be very helpful and valuable. I personally am excited about more work on subjective wellbeing measures generally (though I’m less certain if I’d personally subscribe to HLI’s founding beliefs), and I think this is a valuable niche in the EA research ecosystem. I also think it’s easy for these conversations to accidentally become too adversarial, and it’s important to recognise that everyone here does share the same overarching goal of “how do we do good better”.
I think an outsider may reasonably get the impression that HLI thinks its value is correlated with their ability to showcase the effectiveness of mental health charities, or of WELLBYs as an alternate metric to cause prioritisation. It might also be the case that HLI believes this, based on their published approach, which seems to assume that 1) happiness is what ultimately matters and 2) subjective wellbeing scores are the best way of measuring this. But I don’t personally think this is the case—I think the main value of an organisation like HLI is to help the GH research community work out the extent to which SWB scores are valuable in cause prioritisation, and how we best integrate these with existing measures (or indeed, replace them if appropriate). In a world where HLI works out that WELLBYs actually aren’t the best way of measuring SWB, or that actually we should weigh DALYs to SWB at a 1:5 ratio or a 4:1 ratio instead of replacing existing measures wholesale or disregarding them entirely, I’d still see these research conclusions as highly valuable (even if the money shifted metric might not be similarly high). And I think these should be possibilities that HLI remain open to in its research and considers in its theory of change going forward—though this is based mainly from a truth-seeking / epistemics perspective, and not because I have a deep knowledge of the SWB / happiness literature to have a well-formed view on this (though my sense is that it’s also not a settled question). I’m not suggesting that HLI is not already considering this or doing this, just that from reading the HLI website / published comments, it’s hard to clearly tell that this is the case (and I haven’t looked through the entire website, so I may have missed it).
I think some things that may support Elliot’s views here:
HLI was founded with the mission of finding something better than GiveWell top charities under a subjective wellbeing (SWB) method. That means it’s beneficial for HLI in terms of achieving its phase 1 goal and mission that StrongMinds is highly effective. GiveWell doesn’t have this pressure of finding something better than it’s current best charities (or not to the same degree).
HLI’s investigation of various mental health programmes lead to its strong endorsement for StrongMinds. This was in part based on StrongMinds being the only organisation on HLI’s shortlist (of 13 orgs) to respond and engage with HLI’s request for information. Two potential scenarios for this:
HLI’s hypothesis that mental health charities are systematically undervalued is right, and thus, it’s not necessarily that StrongMinds is uniquely good (acknowledged by HLI here), but the very best mental health charities are all better than non-mental health charities under WELLBYs measurements, which is HLI’s preferred approach RE: “how to do the most good”. However this might bump up against priors or base rates or views around how good mental health charities on HLI’s shortlist might be vs existing GiveWell charities are as comparisons, whether all of global health prioritisation, aid or EA aid has been getting things wrong and we are in need of a paradigm shift, as well as whether WELLBYs and SWB scores alone should be a sufficient metric for “doing the most good”.
Mental health charities are not systematically undervalued, and current aid / EA global health work isn’t in need of a huge paradigm shift, but StrongMinds is uniquely good, and HLI were fortunate that the one that responded happened to be the one that responded. However, if an outsider’s priors on the effectiveness of good mental health interventions generally are much lower than HLI’s, it might seem like this result is very fortuitous for HLI’s mission and goals. On the other hand, there are some reasons to think they might be at least somewhat correlated:
well-run organisations are more likely to have capacity to respond to outside requests for information
organisations with good numbers are more likely to share their numbers etc
HLI have never published any conclusions that are net harmful for WELLBYs or mental health interventions. Depending on how much an outsider thinks GiveWell is wrong here, they might expect GiveWell to be wrong in different directions, and not only in one direction. Some pushback: HLI is young, and would reasonably focus on organisations that is most likely to be successful and most likely to change GiveWell funding priorities. These results are also what you’d expect if GiveWell IS in fact wrong on how charities should be measured.
I think ultimately the combination could contribute to an outsider’s uncertainty around whether they can take HLI’s conclusions at face value, or whether they believe these are the result of an unbiased search optimising for truth-seeking, e.g. if they don’t know who HLI researchers are or don’t have any reason to trust them beyond what they see from HLI’s outputs.
Some important disclaimers:
-All of these discussions are made possible because of HLI (and SM)’s transparency, which should be acknowledged.
-It seems much harder to defend against claims that paints HLI as an “advocacy org” or suggests motivated reasoning etc than to make the claim. It’s also the case that these findings are consistent with what we would expect if the claims 1) “WELLBYs or subjective wellbeing score alone is the best metric for ‘doing the most good’” and 2) “Existing metrics systematically undervalue mental health charities” are true, and HLI is taking a dispassionate, unbiased view towards this. All I’m saying is that an outsider might prefer to not default to believing this.
-It’s hard to be in a position to be challenging the status quo, in a community where reputation is important, and the status quo is highly trusted. Ultimately, I think this kind of work is worth doing, and I’m happy to see this level of engagement and hope it continues in the future.
-Lastly, I don’t want this message (or any of my other messages) to be interpreted to be an attack on HLI itself. For example, I found HLI’s Deworming and decay: replicating GiveWell’s cost-effectiveness analysis to be very helpful and valuable. I personally am excited about more work on subjective wellbeing measures generally (though I’m less certain if I’d personally subscribe to HLI’s founding beliefs), and I think this is a valuable niche in the EA research ecosystem. I also think it’s easy for these conversations to accidentally become too adversarial, and it’s important to recognise that everyone here does share the same overarching goal of “how do we do good better”.
(commenting in personal capacity etc)