Heya mate, it is an extraordinary claim, depending on how powerful you expect the models to be and in what timeframe!
“U.S. unemployment rate has only increased 0.7% since ChatGPT was released nearly 2 years ago”
I think adoption of LLMs has actually been very slow, considering the value they can produce
I think the game changes dramatically when basic agents are available
“what’s the mechanism for that 10% jump?”
It is a guess at how much work is basic admin
For e.g. I am predicting that within 3 years we won’t need travel agents. This industry supports about 3 million jobs. This is one example.
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Heya mate, it is an extraordinary claim, depending on how powerful you expect the models to be and in what timeframe!
“U.S. unemployment rate has only increased 0.7% since ChatGPT was released nearly 2 years ago”
“what’s the mechanism for that 10% jump?”