OpenPhil should found a counter foundation that has as its main goal critical reporting, investigative journalism and “counter research” about EA and other philanthropic institutions.
By contrast, paying an org to produce critiques of EA from the perspective of EA being inherently bad would be extremely counterproductive (and there’s no shortage of people willing to do it without our help).
OpenPhil should found a counter foundation that has as its main goal critical reporting, investigative journalism and “counter research” about EA and other philanthropic institutions.
I think that paying people/orgs to produce critiques of EA ideas etc. for an EA audience could be very constructive, i.e. from the perspective of “we agree with the overall goal of EA, here’s how we think you can do it better”.
By contrast, paying an org to produce critiques of EA from the perspective of EA being inherently bad would be extremely counterproductive (and there’s no shortage of people willing to do it without our help).
There could be a risk of fake scandals, misquoting and taking things out of context that will damage EA.