Free coaching via Zoom. Treats addictions that aren’t acutely life-threatening, but that drain your time & money e.g.
social media
Save money & time
Achieve more
Feel better about yourself and more in control of your life
How it works
Six thirty-minute sessions, for free.
Continuation thereafter is optional
Arranged via Calendly, or for a recurring slot once or twice a week (up to you)
The Coaches
Era’s got a BSc in Psychology, and an MSc in Addiction, from King’s College London. Lizzy’s got a master’s in psychology and a certificate in psychotherapy. Both have done ~160 hours of addiction coaching training, passed their final assessment, and are now ready to see real clients. So far, we’ve had unanimously positive feedback and ~70% retention from the 100+ clients our coaches have seen so far.
What happens in sessions
Session One
Tell your coach about you and your situation
They’ll help you draft a minimum viable plan
You attempt to execute it between now and next week
Sessions Two til Five
Share your progress or lack thereof
Tell them what worked and what didn’t
Update the plan accordingly
Session Six
Talk about your progress
We’ll likely give you the option to continue on a paid basis
In either case, we’ll help you draft a plan to help recover from relapses, and prevent them from happening in the first place
Potential downside—they aren’t EAs
Potential upside—they aren’t EAs
We don’t have magical solutions
At least 20% of sign-ups will give up
Of those that stay, at least 20% will fail
Many of those who succeed will relapse within one year
Promises we make
To maintain complete confidentiality
To use proven techniques exclusively
To be supportive & non-judgemental
Sign up
Free to any Effective Altruist. 7 EA-exclusive places are available immediately. If the results are good, we’ll do a monthly cohort of ~20 EAs. You can opt-out at any time, no hard feels. Click here to apply.
Free one-to-one behavioral addiction support for EAs
Free coaching via Zoom. Treats addictions that aren’t acutely life-threatening, but that drain your time & money e.g.
social media
Save money & time
Achieve more
Feel better about yourself and more in control of your life
How it works
Six thirty-minute sessions, for free.
Continuation thereafter is optional
Arranged via Calendly, or for a recurring slot once or twice a week (up to you)
The Coaches
Era’s got a BSc in Psychology, and an MSc in Addiction, from King’s College London. Lizzy’s got a master’s in psychology and a certificate in psychotherapy. Both have done ~160 hours of addiction coaching training, passed their final assessment, and are now ready to see real clients. So far, we’ve had unanimously positive feedback and ~70% retention from the 100+ clients our coaches have seen so far.
What happens in sessions
Session One
Tell your coach about you and your situation
They’ll help you draft a minimum viable plan
You attempt to execute it between now and next week
Sessions Two til Five
Share your progress or lack thereof
Tell them what worked and what didn’t
Update the plan accordingly
Session Six
Talk about your progress
We’ll likely give you the option to continue on a paid basis
In either case, we’ll help you draft a plan to help recover from relapses, and prevent them from happening in the first place
Potential downside—they aren’t EAs
Potential upside—they aren’t EAs
We don’t have magical solutions
At least 20% of sign-ups will give up
Of those that stay, at least 20% will fail
Many of those who succeed will relapse within one year
Promises we make
To maintain complete confidentiality
To use proven techniques exclusively
To be supportive & non-judgemental
Sign up
Free to any Effective Altruist. 7 EA-exclusive places are available immediately. If the results are good, we’ll do a monthly cohort of ~20 EAs. You can opt-out at any time, no hard feels. Click here to apply.