(And I heard MATS almost had a couple strategy/governance mentors. Will ask them.)
(Again, thanks for being constructive, and in the spirit of giving credit, yay to GovAI, ERA, and CHERI for their summer programs. [This is yay for them trying; I have no knowledge of the programs and whether they’re good.])
(I now realize my above comments probably don’t show this, but I do agree with you that the AI strategy(+governance) pipeline is looking particularly weak at present, and that the situation is pretty undignified given that building this pipeline is perhaps one of the most important things we—the EA movement/community—could be doing.)
(And I heard MATS almost had a couple strategy/governance mentors. Will ask them.)
(Again, thanks for being constructive, and in the spirit of giving credit, yay to GovAI, ERA, and CHERI for their summer programs. [This is yay for them trying; I have no knowledge of the programs and whether they’re good.])
(I now realize my above comments probably don’t show this, but I do agree with you that the AI strategy(+governance) pipeline is looking particularly weak at present, and that the situation is pretty undignified given that building this pipeline is perhaps one of the most important things we—the EA movement/community—could be doing.)