“Horrifying Things Caused By Shockingly Naive Charities”
If you’re looking for examples of ineffective altruism (to illustrate the need for thoughtful giving) this somewhat sensationalist article has examples:
Horrifying Things Caused By Shockingly Naive Charities on Cracked.com. (I think I can’t post a link because I don’t have enough karma yet, but Google will find it.)
There are two links at the end of the article that also look promising.
There’s an episode of the TV show “The Office” where one of the fictional characters explains that he donates to a foundation that teaches homeless children nautical flag signaling (“for the preservation of nautical flag signaling”). Link. I always thought this would be an ideal ineffective charity example, for not ruffling any feathers & getting a laugh.
Here’s the link: http://www.cracked.com/article_23796_5-charities-that-failed-in-worst-way-imaginable.html