Hmm, I’m not sure I quite have the intuition for what ‘Aristocracy’ means in your link—it seems the Greek definition differs from the Hobbesian one for example.
But I think the answer is that I am outlining a problem, and there are many different potential solutions. To use the crypto example, both proof-of-stake and proof-of-work could be valid solutions, even though they are quite distinct. So while perhaps Aristocracy might be one solution I’m not sure it would be the only one, unless defined very broadly.
Hmm, I’m not sure I quite have the intuition for what ‘Aristocracy’ means in your link—it seems the Greek definition differs from the Hobbesian one for example.
But I think the answer is that I am outlining a problem, and there are many different potential solutions. To use the crypto example, both proof-of-stake and proof-of-work could be valid solutions, even though they are quite distinct. So while perhaps Aristocracy might be one solution I’m not sure it would be the only one, unless defined very broadly.