One more thing to keep in mind for small monthly payments is that many payment services take a small fee on every transaction. This might make it better to donate annually (though it’s going to be a very small difference in most cases, so I think Alex’s point is also good).
For example, if your credit card company takes a 15-cent fee from each payment you make, the charity you support will lose $1.80 if you donate monthly, and only 15 cents if you donate yearly.
Thanks Alexrjl!
I think I will pay monthly to start with.
One more thing to keep in mind for small monthly payments is that many payment services take a small fee on every transaction. This might make it better to donate annually (though it’s going to be a very small difference in most cases, so I think Alex’s point is also good).
For example, if your credit card company takes a 15-cent fee from each payment you make, the charity you support will lose $1.80 if you donate monthly, and only 15 cents if you donate yearly.
Thanks Aaron.
I will pay from my visa debt card and they don’t charge me for transactions, so it should be fine.
Actually maybe they do charge me if I did non UK transaction. Thanks for making me aware!