I’m sure you’ve read this paper that guides young psychologists like you in some useful directions: https://​​psyarxiv.com/​​8dw59/​​
If you’re committed to mental health then the research agenda for the Happier Lives Institute is useful to consider: https://​​www.happierlivesinstitute.org/​​ or scaleable online interventions like those of Spencer Greenberg’s team (see MindEase and UpLift: https://​​www.sparkwave.tech/​​)
If you’re more flexible, then your skills from counselling psychology would be useful in movement building (because basically you learn how to be a warm, supportive person who helps people change behaviour [in this case, maybe careers]): https://​​80000hours.org/​​problem-profiles/​​promoting-effective-altruism/​​
Personally, I switched out of clinical/​counselling work because it was so difficult to scale. There are also many more psychologists (etc.) in wealthy countries per head than there are overseas, so many other options are more neglected https://​​founderspledge.com/​​stories/​​mental-health-report-summary
These are great, thank you! Would you mind saying what you switch your career to after counselling work?
Academic research (see noetel.com.au)
I’m sure you’ve read this paper that guides young psychologists like you in some useful directions: https://​​psyarxiv.com/​​8dw59/​​
If you’re committed to mental health then the research agenda for the Happier Lives Institute is useful to consider: https://​​www.happierlivesinstitute.org/​​ or scaleable online interventions like those of Spencer Greenberg’s team (see MindEase and UpLift: https://​​www.sparkwave.tech/​​)
If you’re more flexible, then your skills from counselling psychology would be useful in movement building (because basically you learn how to be a warm, supportive person who helps people change behaviour [in this case, maybe careers]): https://​​80000hours.org/​​problem-profiles/​​promoting-effective-altruism/​​
Personally, I switched out of clinical/​counselling work because it was so difficult to scale. There are also many more psychologists (etc.) in wealthy countries per head than there are overseas, so many other options are more neglected https://​​founderspledge.com/​​stories/​​mental-health-report-summary
These are great, thank you! Would you mind saying what you switch your career to after counselling work?
Academic research (see noetel.com.au)