The RCT Agenda—Bryan Caplan

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Still, the fundamental reason why randomistas make so little headway on “markets versus government” is that they quietly reject the question! Instead of weighing markets versus government, they almost invariably weigh government versus government. As a result, government can never really lose.

To see what I mean, suppose an RCT tests whether smaller class sizes increase adult earnings. If researchers discover a sizable positive effect, the heralded “policy implication” will be: Spend more taxpayer money to reduce class sizes. If researchers find a small or negative effect, however, the policy implication is never: Cut school budgets and refund the savings to taxpayers. Instead, the lesson the researchers will draw is: We desperately need experiments on other ways schools might increase adult earnings. Maybe we should do an experiment with more school lunches. Maybe we should randomly raise teachers’ pay. Or perhaps do an RCT on afterschool programs. No matter how many experiments fail, the Executive Summary will never read, “Let’s defund public education.”

Is it true that market solutions aren’t given enough consideration by randomistas?