[Question] What pieces of ~historical research have been action-guiding for you, or for EA?

Lately I’ve been thinking about how useful further historical work might be from an EA perspective.

One input to thinking about this is how useful such work has already been. I believe that research can have diffuse impacts, but here I’m particularly interested in a narrower thing: pieces of ~historical research that have been directly action-guiding for you or other EA actors.

Examples of answers that would be interesting to me:

  • [Series of EA blog posts that are somewhat historical] changed my mind about how important F might be, so I spent more time thinking about F.

  • [Academic history book] informed my belief that Z will happen, which in turn is why I work on A.

  • I’m not sure, but I think that X’s work on blah was a contributing piece to OpenPhil’s decision to Y.

  • I’ve never heard of a piece of historical research directly guiding any funding or strategic decisions.

I’m also interested in broader things if they come up, like ‘I think this article is very high quality and important’ or ‘I think that this sub-field has had a pretty positive but very diffuse impact’.