I struggle to believe this article would have as many upvotes if it was about almost any other immutable characteristic than weirdness.
Weird people have relatively little control over how weird they are.
I think that many upvoting this probably understand what it is to feel judged or unsafe. I am confused how this doesn’t apply to “Be marginally less accepting of weirdness overall”. Say that sentence in your head with any other word than [weirdness].
I struggle to believe this article would have as many upvotes if it was about almost any other immutable characteristic than weirdness.
Weird people have relatively little control over how weird they are.
I think that many upvoting this probably understand what it is to feel judged or unsafe. I am confused how this doesn’t apply to “Be marginally less accepting of weirdness overall”. Say that sentence in your head with any other word than [weirdness].