I’m troubled that the version of the story you heard didn’t mention it was a fuckup she repeatedly apologised for.
Sorry I should’ve been more clear in my comment. The links should’ve been pretty obvious though (like it was important enough to be prominently on CEA’s list of mistakes).
I meant Hamish
Yeah, hard to know what to do with that. I’ll make it clear in the post that it is an acknowledged mistake that has been apologised for.
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I’m troubled that the version of the story you heard didn’t mention it was a fuckup she repeatedly apologised for.
Sorry I should’ve been more clear in my comment. The links should’ve been pretty obvious though (like it was important enough to be prominently on CEA’s list of mistakes).
I meant Hamish
Yeah, hard to know what to do with that. I’ll make it clear in the post that it is an acknowledged mistake that has been apologised for.