When I was more active in Quaker circles, I’d hear versions of a quote attributed to Mother Teresa: “we are not called to be successful, but to be faithful.” There was a lot of attention to trying to do good, but the focus was on following where you were being spiritually led, and being in relationship with those you were helping, not effectiveness. Like if you felt a spiritual leading to help people in some ineffective way, people would have thought that was fine.
When I was more active in Quaker circles, I’d hear versions of a quote attributed to Mother Teresa: “we are not called to be successful, but to be faithful.” There was a lot of attention to trying to do good, but the focus was on following where you were being spiritually led, and being in relationship with those you were helping, not effectiveness. Like if you felt a spiritual leading to help people in some ineffective way, people would have thought that was fine.