On December 9th, and probably for future Decembers 9th, we will feature this post on the front page to commemorate Smallpox Eradication Day.
(Some places use May 8th as the date to celebrate smallpox eradication; we’ve seen both dates used in different places, so we’ll stick with Jai’s date.)
Remember that hard problems can be solved, and that we are capable of working together when the conditions are correct.
On December 9th, and probably for future Decembers 9th, we will feature this post on the front page to commemorate Smallpox Eradication Day.
(Some places use May 8th as the date to celebrate smallpox eradication; we’ve seen both dates used in different places, so we’ll stick with Jai’s date.)
Remember that hard problems can be solved, and that we are capable of working together when the conditions are correct.