[Job – Academia] Assistant Professor (Philosophy/​Ethics) at Lingnan University (Hong Kong)

Dear All,

The Department of Philosophy at Lingnan University is still looking for strong candidates for a tenure-track position in ethics (see below for details). I thought of posting it here as well since we are looking for candidates working in areas that significantly overlap with some of the issues discussed in this forum.

Also, please notice that the department will launch a new research centre, the Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre (or HKCRC), in the first quarter of 2022.

Hard deadline for applications: 1 Dec 2021.

Start date: Aug 2022 (or later).

Here is the full job ad:

Lingnan University, a distinctive liberal arts institution in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, is committed to the provision of quality whole-person education by combining the best of Chinese and Western liberal arts traditions. It strives to pursue excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship and community engagement. With three academic Faculties, it offers a wide range of undergraduate degree programmes in arts, business and social sciences. Lingnan’s liberal arts education is characterised by a broad-based interdisciplinary curriculum with specialised disciplinary studies; close student-staff relationship; a vibrant residential campus; ample global learning opportunities; active community engagement and multifarious workplace experience. The School of Graduate Studies also offers postgraduate programmes up to doctoral level in various disciplines and provides professional education for the wider society. Applications are now invited for the following post:

Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
(Post Ref.: 20282)

The Department of Philosophy at Lingnan University is one of the best in Asia for the study of analytic philosophy. The department is especially strong in philosophy of science, philosophical logic, metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics, and also has several members with expertise in other areas such as epistemology, philosophy of mind, and Chinese philosophy. Department members publish in leading journals in the field, such as Analysis, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Ethics, Journal of Philosophical Logic, Mind, Noûs, Philosophers’ Imprint, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophical Studies, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, and Philosophy of Science.

More information on the research interests and publications of philosophers at Lingnan University can be found at: https://​​www.LN.edu.hk/​​philoso/​​?page_id=9.

General Requirements
Areas of Specialization: Ethics (esp. ethics of (catastrophic) risk, normative decision theory, population ethics, ethics of new technologies/​weapons, health care rationing, environmental ethics, climate change and future generations, and related sub-fields).

Areas of Competence: Ethics (esp. ethics of (catastrophic) risk, normative decision theory, population ethics, ethics of new technologies/​weapons, health care rationing, environmental ethics, climate change and future generations, and related sub-fields).

Applicants should have a PhD degree in Philosophy by the start of the appointment and are required to provide information on their research record and evidence of quality teaching. The starting date of the position is August 2022. Applicants are required to have publications in Philosophy, preferably in leading journals; candidates with no publications will not be considered. The successful applicant is expected to produce internationally excellent research and obtain competitively awarded research grants. He/​she is also expected to have a strong commitment to teaching excellence, and to be able to design and offer courses in his/​her area of expertise.

The teaching load will normally be four courses per year, which may be reduced under various circumstances, e.g. on receipt of external research funding or due to graduate supervision. English is the language of instruction with the possible exception of courses in Chinese philosophy.

Minimum basic salary is over HKD$840,000 /​ USD$108,000 per annum on the current salary scale. Fringe benefits include annual leave, medical and dental benefits, mandatory provident fund, gratuity and incoming passage and baggage allowances for eligible appointees.

Appointment will normally be made on an initial contract of three years, which, subject to review and mutual agreement, may lead to longer-term appointment with possibility of consideration for substantiation (i.e., tenure).

Application Procedure (online application only)


Informal inquiries concerning the post can be directed to Professor Andrea Sauchelli, Head of the Department of Philosophy, at andreasauchelli@ln.edu.hk.

We are an equal opportunities employer. The starting date of the position is August 2022. Review of applications will start from 1 December 2021 and continue until the post is filled. Qualified candidates are advised to submit their applications early for consideration.

The University reserves the right not to make an appointment for the post advertised, or to fill the post by invitation or by search. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.