a mindset for getting money has drawbacks, for example it might promote patterns where ultimately people rationalize small, marginal projects for $1M.; Instead, maybe a useful alternative is to get genuinely interested in building something big and awesome, so a product mindset helps?
Yes. (Sorry for the bad writing, it was late and I was tired.)
I think the best entrepreneurs get a bit of a boost in motivation from the idea of becoming rich, but the more “rich”-oriented you are, the less likely it is that you will make billions of dollars.
Was there some feeling or realization that caused you to think you were more likely to be successful at entrepreneurship than others?
Hmm, I wanted to be an entrepreneur from the moment I understood it was possible. I don’t think this is a necessary condition for success, but I think it gives a lot of energy towards trying (and especially trying multiple times if you fail). A small project I’ve had for the last 5+ years is figuring out who among my friends should be entrepreneurs, and trying to inject a mind-virus to get them to actually do it. My instinct is that you should be motivated by “impact” of some kind (it’s ok if it’s not purely altruistic); willing to work hard. You should be good at something too, but I think that can come with time if you are sufficiently motivated. In my case I was both good at coding and good at self-improvement, these things definitely compounded.
do you have some area or projects that might be interesting for people to know about?
Not as such, nothing to announce right now
under what circumstances would you considering mentoring or giving feedback on a deck
I don’t really like reviewing decks. I’m generally happy to answer a few questions/give entrepreneurship advice over email; my email is pretty easy to find!
Yes. (Sorry for the bad writing, it was late and I was tired.)
I think the best entrepreneurs get a bit of a boost in motivation from the idea of becoming rich, but the more “rich”-oriented you are, the less likely it is that you will make billions of dollars.
Hmm, I wanted to be an entrepreneur from the moment I understood it was possible. I don’t think this is a necessary condition for success, but I think it gives a lot of energy towards trying (and especially trying multiple times if you fail). A small project I’ve had for the last 5+ years is figuring out who among my friends should be entrepreneurs, and trying to inject a mind-virus to get them to actually do it. My instinct is that you should be motivated by “impact” of some kind (it’s ok if it’s not purely altruistic); willing to work hard. You should be good at something too, but I think that can come with time if you are sufficiently motivated. In my case I was both good at coding and good at self-improvement, these things definitely compounded.
Not as such, nothing to announce right now
I don’t really like reviewing decks. I’m generally happy to answer a few questions/give entrepreneurship advice over email; my email is pretty easy to find!