The best option for you will be very individual! I recommend taking the Animal Justice Academy course for an overview of types of advocacy in the animal movement and the Animal Advocacy Careers course if you are considering a career transition (now or in the future). If you are in/near the US, the AVA Summit in May is also a great way to dive in.
and if you are in Europe, CARE conference is great. I think people can get up to speed very fast at such conferences. They can seem scary when you don’t know anyone there but I think animal advocates are generally friendly and welcoming to newcomers :)
The best option for you will be very individual! I recommend taking the Animal Justice Academy course for an overview of types of advocacy in the animal movement and the Animal Advocacy Careers course if you are considering a career transition (now or in the future). If you are in/near the US, the AVA Summit in May is also a great way to dive in.
and if you are in Europe, CARE conference is great. I think people can get up to speed very fast at such conferences. They can seem scary when you don’t know anyone there but I think animal advocates are generally friendly and welcoming to newcomers :)