Note: You don’t have to answer to follow this structure or answer these questions. The point is just to share information that might be helpful/informative to other EAs!
With that in mind, here are my answers:
Where do you work, and what do you do?
I am a PhD student studying psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
What are things you’ve worked on that you consider impactful?
I co-developed a mental health intervention for Kenyan adolescents and tested it in a randomized controlled trial.
I’ve published papers reviewing smartphone apps for depression and anxiety (here and here) and developed a new method for analyzing digital health interventions (here).
I developed an online mental health intervention designed to teach skills from CBT and positive psychology in <1 hour. We’re currently evaluating it in Kenya, India, and the US.
I recently started performing research on promoting effective giving. I’ve received funding from the EA Meta Fund and from UPenn to support this work. Through the project, we’re aiming to evaluate an intervention that applies psychological theories to improve effective giving. We’ll also be spreading information about EA to 1k+ people, and much of the funding from the project will be donated to effective charities.
What are a few ways in which you bring EA ideas/mindsets to your current job?
I work with many undergraduate students. I try to introduce them to EA concepts (e.g., thinking about importance, neglectedness, and solvability when considering projects) and refer them to EA sources (e.g., 80,000 Hours).
Several of these students have changed their independent study projects as a result of learning about EA (mostly to work on the effective giving project mentioned earlier).
I’ve casually mentioned effective altruism to graduate students professors I work with, many of whom weren’t familiar with EA previously. (Bringing this up “casually” has become easier to do now that I’m doing research relating to effective giving).
I’ve been connecting with members of the EA community who are doing similar work, like members of Spark Wave and the Happier Lives Institute.
Note: You don’t have to answer to follow this structure or answer these questions. The point is just to share information that might be helpful/informative to other EAs!
With that in mind, here are my answers:
Where do you work, and what do you do?
I am a PhD student studying psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
What are things you’ve worked on that you consider impactful?
I’m trying to focus my research on topics that are impactful and neglected (e.g., digital mental health, global mental health).
I co-developed a mental health intervention for Kenyan adolescents and tested it in a randomized controlled trial.
I’ve published papers reviewing smartphone apps for depression and anxiety (here and here) and developed a new method for analyzing digital health interventions (here).
I developed an online mental health intervention designed to teach skills from CBT and positive psychology in <1 hour. We’re currently evaluating it in Kenya, India, and the US.
I recently started performing research on promoting effective giving. I’ve received funding from the EA Meta Fund and from UPenn to support this work. Through the project, we’re aiming to evaluate an intervention that applies psychological theories to improve effective giving. We’ll also be spreading information about EA to 1k+ people, and much of the funding from the project will be donated to effective charities.
What are a few ways in which you bring EA ideas/mindsets to your current job?
I work with many undergraduate students. I try to introduce them to EA concepts (e.g., thinking about importance, neglectedness, and solvability when considering projects) and refer them to EA sources (e.g., 80,000 Hours).
Several of these students have changed their independent study projects as a result of learning about EA (mostly to work on the effective giving project mentioned earlier).
I’ve casually mentioned effective altruism to graduate students professors I work with, many of whom weren’t familiar with EA previously. (Bringing this up “casually” has become easier to do now that I’m doing research relating to effective giving).
I’ve been connecting with members of the EA community who are doing similar work, like members of Spark Wave and the Happier Lives Institute.