I’m not so convinced on this. I think the framing of ‘this was the founding team’ was a little misleading: in 2011 all of us were volunteers and students. The lower bar for doing ~5 hours a week of volunteering for EA for ~1 year. Obviously students are typically in a uniquely good position for having time to volunteer. But it’s not clear all the people on this list had uniquely large amounts of power. Also, I think situational effects were still strong: I felt it made a huge difference to what I did that I made a few friends who were very altruistic and had good ideas of how to put that into practice. I don’t think we can assume that all of us on this list would have displayed similarly strong effective altruist inclinations without having met others in the group.
I’m not so convinced on this. I think the framing of ‘this was the founding team’ was a little misleading: in 2011 all of us were volunteers and students. The lower bar for doing ~5 hours a week of volunteering for EA for ~1 year. Obviously students are typically in a uniquely good position for having time to volunteer. But it’s not clear all the people on this list had uniquely large amounts of power. Also, I think situational effects were still strong: I felt it made a huge difference to what I did that I made a few friends who were very altruistic and had good ideas of how to put that into practice. I don’t think we can assume that all of us on this list would have displayed similarly strong effective altruist inclinations without having met others in the group.