Animal Welfare Discussion Group

Join us for the first session of the EA Brussels Animal Welfare Discussion Group!

We will be discussing Rethink Priorities’ Moral Weight Project (see below for suggested readings).

The discussion group is open to anyone interested in animal welfare, regardless of dietary preferences and previous knowledge of the cause area. All levels of engagement are welcome.

The suggested reading material is not a must, but will help to facilitate the discussion.

Main resources:

https://​​​​publications/​​an-introduction-to-the-moral-weight-project https://​​​​publications/​​welfare-range-estimates (Introduction and sections 1-3) For those who prefer podcasts, see the 80k hours podcast below that offers an introduction to the project

Additional resources/​Going further:

https://​​​​podcast/​​episodes/​​bob-fischer-comparing-animal-welfare-moral-weight/​​ up to [00:32:42] https://​​​​publications/​​welfare-range-estimates (Questions and Objections) https://​​​​podcast/​​episodes/​​lewis-bollard-factory-farm-advocacy-gains/​​ - from [02:19:52] https://​​​​publications/​​detecting-morally-significant-pain

Background reading on (farmed) animal welfare

https://​​​​articles/​​cause-profile-animal-welfare https://​​​​problem-profiles/​​factory-farming/​​ https://​​​​problem-profiles/​​wild-animal-welfare/​​ https://​​​​animal-welfare https://​​​​entries/​​moral-animal/​​ https://​​​​archive/​​MCPTEB.pdf https://​​​​animal-advocacy-by-numbers/​​?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT701dKW1fhxezsG7_naxGeNk83r00JDiBTgLuArzRT8dj8nOsmlT58BoCc64QAvD_BwE

Effective Altruism is a movement that tries to answer one simple question: How can we use our time, money and resources to help others the most? Instead of just doing what feels good, effective altruists try to use reason and evidence to do the most good.

Read more about EA on

EA Brussels facebook group: https://​​​​groups/​​387535228103244 Website: https://​​​​brussels

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