I’m sorry for your experience, I tried to compensate for it a bit:
I think your comment is modest and conscientious about it.
So my guess with that happened is that people didn’t like this statement:
It created an unofficial list of EA ideas that is likely to contain all the high quality ideas that weren’t funded yet.
First off, I guess one reason people disagreed with this statement, is that in some views, it’s very unlikely to be true. Myself, I have an aesthetic that the best things in the best instantiation of EA are really great and hard to see. So defining the frontier of EA by any one list doesn’t make sense.
Secondly, there are principled longtime EAs who have focuses that differ from the underlying priorities/worldview that drives interest in the FTX contest. So for these people, canonizing the list as the frontier of EA projects is objectionable. This objection is heightened by what they might see as the indirect way of going about it (note that the FTX leaders are careful not to do this). At the same time, these very views makes it hard to comment. My guess is that this sentiment drove your downvote, but I don’t really know.
Downvoting without explaining: An act of anti-community-building?
Remember the illusion of transparency. Whatever is bothering you might not be as obvious to others as it is to you.
You can still downvote, just remember it has emotional consequences
I’m sorry for your experience, I tried to compensate for it a bit:
I think your comment is modest and conscientious about it.
So my guess with that happened is that people didn’t like this statement:
First off, I guess one reason people disagreed with this statement, is that in some views, it’s very unlikely to be true. Myself, I have an aesthetic that the best things in the best instantiation of EA are really great and hard to see. So defining the frontier of EA by any one list doesn’t make sense.
Secondly, there are principled longtime EAs who have focuses that differ from the underlying priorities/worldview that drives interest in the FTX contest. So for these people, canonizing the list as the frontier of EA projects is objectionable. This objection is heightened by what they might see as the indirect way of going about it (note that the FTX leaders are careful not to do this). At the same time, these very views makes it hard to comment. My guess is that this sentiment drove your downvote, but I don’t really know.