If we make a code of conduct, can we consider trying to test a system that we’d want others to replicate. Many times when we build institutions within EA we have th opportunity to test new strategies. If these are successful, then EAs will be much more likely to replicate them in their workplaces. As long as there is an expectation that this is a test, if it fails, that’s okay.
I suggest we ask the question “what statements should be in a code of conduct? upvote all that you agree with”. People put single lines of the code of conduct and the top 5-10 different points get used.
I would do this myself but I’m wary of stepping on toes, if there is widespread support, I’m happy to.
Hi, Nathan! I very much agree that experimenting as a community with codes of conduct seems promising; ideally I believe they would be maintained in such a crowdsourced (and openly reasoned) way.
This is something I’ve been interested in for a while, and would like to continue researching as time permits. I am in the process of writing a post for this forum about some possible approaches to constructive community building that I’ve been considering, mostly to gather feedback and pointers to similar/better ongoing efforts. The question of how to agree on a code of conduct that is maximally constructive and inclusive features prominently. I’ll share it here when it’s ready, hopefully shortly.
If we make a code of conduct, can we consider trying to test a system that we’d want others to replicate. Many times when we build institutions within EA we have th opportunity to test new strategies. If these are successful, then EAs will be much more likely to replicate them in their workplaces. As long as there is an expectation that this is a test, if it fails, that’s okay.
I suggest we ask the question “what statements should be in a code of conduct? upvote all that you agree with”. People put single lines of the code of conduct and the top 5-10 different points get used.
I would do this myself but I’m wary of stepping on toes, if there is widespread support, I’m happy to.
Hi, Nathan! I very much agree that experimenting as a community with codes of conduct seems promising; ideally I believe they would be maintained in such a crowdsourced (and openly reasoned) way.
This is something I’ve been interested in for a while, and would like to continue researching as time permits. I am in the process of writing a post for this forum about some possible approaches to constructive community building that I’ve been considering, mostly to gather feedback and pointers to similar/better ongoing efforts. The question of how to agree on a code of conduct that is maximally constructive and inclusive features prominently. I’ll share it here when it’s ready, hopefully shortly.