One additional risk: if done poorly, harsh criticism of someone else’s blog post from several years ago could be pretty unpleasant and make the EA community seem less friendly.
I think I agree this is a concern. But just so we’re on the same page here, what’s your threat model? Are you more worried about
The EA community feeling less pleasant and friendly to existing established EAs, so we’ll have more retention issues with people disengaging?
The EA community feeling less pleasant and friendly to newcomers, so we have more issues with recruitment and people getting excited to join novel projects?
Criticism makes being open about your work less pleasant, and open Red Teaming about EA projects makes EA move even further in the direction of being less open than we used to be. See also Responsible Transparency Consumption.
I think I agree this is a concern. But just so we’re on the same page here, what’s your threat model? Are you more worried about
The EA community feeling less pleasant and friendly to existing established EAs, so we’ll have more retention issues with people disengaging?
The EA community feeling less pleasant and friendly to newcomers, so we have more issues with recruitment and people getting excited to join novel projects?
Criticism makes being open about your work less pleasant, and open Red Teaming about EA projects makes EA move even further in the direction of being less open than we used to be. See also Responsible Transparency Consumption.
Something else?
It’s actually a bit of numbers 1-3; I’m imagining decreased engagement generally, especially sharing ideas transparently.