Thanks very much! Yes, we have a draft profile on “Technical research for animal-free food tech skills profile” and another on “Government, policy, and lobbying skills profile,” so hopefully the apparent nonprofit skew is temporary.
One factor influencing the decision about which skills profiles to produce first was the evidence we had that they were a bottleneck. We’d started with a quick survey of nonprofits and a nonprofit “spot-check” and I hope to do similar (perhaps better) versions of both of those things for plant-based / cultivated meat companies too. So at that point, we might have more reason to explore particular skillsets out of that.
M&L is an example of this—“leadership” came up a lot in the survey, but when I’ve not really come across the idea of leadership being a major bottleneck for these companies (unless you count “entrepreneurship” which is overlapping but partly separate). In that sector, I much more frequently hear that companies are struggling to get scientists on board. But once we do that research, its possible we’ll decide that for-profit companies should figure more prominently in a revised version of the M&L profile, for instance.
(This also just relates to a tradeoff we faced of just doing more / better research before we start putting out advice vs trying to get some content out and update / improve as we go along. It was unclear where the balance should be struck there.)
Thanks very much! Yes, we have a draft profile on “Technical research for animal-free food tech skills profile” and another on “Government, policy, and lobbying skills profile,” so hopefully the apparent nonprofit skew is temporary.
One factor influencing the decision about which skills profiles to produce first was the evidence we had that they were a bottleneck. We’d started with a quick survey of nonprofits and a nonprofit “spot-check” and I hope to do similar (perhaps better) versions of both of those things for plant-based / cultivated meat companies too. So at that point, we might have more reason to explore particular skillsets out of that.
M&L is an example of this—“leadership” came up a lot in the survey, but when I’ve not really come across the idea of leadership being a major bottleneck for these companies (unless you count “entrepreneurship” which is overlapping but partly separate). In that sector, I much more frequently hear that companies are struggling to get scientists on board. But once we do that research, its possible we’ll decide that for-profit companies should figure more prominently in a revised version of the M&L profile, for instance.
(This also just relates to a tradeoff we faced of just doing more / better research before we start putting out advice vs trying to get some content out and update / improve as we go along. It was unclear where the balance should be struck there.)