While I think a write up of my experience as a web development intern wouldn’t add much value compared to the existing web developer post, I’d be interested in writing a guide to getting a (top) software engineering internship/new grad position as a university student. (Not saying my past internships are top-tier!) I’m planning on giving an overview about (or at least link to resources about) to how to write a great resume, preparing behavioral interview answers, preparing for technical interviews with LeetCode-style or system design questions, and so on. A lot has been written about the topic already on the general internet, so I would heavily link to those resources rather than reinventing the wheel, but I think it would be useful to have some practical job-seeking advice on the EA Forum to help with each other’s career success. Does that sound like it would be on-topic for the EA Forum?
Definitely sounds on-topic! (Just like these “job profile” posts are.)
I appreciate that you plan to make use of the vast online literature on this topic, rather than writing a lot of original content.
Even if your post doesn’t cover much new ground, I’ve seen other Forum posts that were among the best I’ve read on “generic” topics, so my prior is that we have a lot of good writers whose work is worth reading, even when it’s not specific to EA.
While I think a write up of my experience as a web development intern wouldn’t add much value compared to the existing web developer post, I’d be interested in writing a guide to getting a (top) software engineering internship/new grad position as a university student. (Not saying my past internships are top-tier!) I’m planning on giving an overview about (or at least link to resources about) to how to write a great resume, preparing behavioral interview answers, preparing for technical interviews with LeetCode-style or system design questions, and so on. A lot has been written about the topic already on the general internet, so I would heavily link to those resources rather than reinventing the wheel, but I think it would be useful to have some practical job-seeking advice on the EA Forum to help with each other’s career success. Does that sound like it would be on-topic for the EA Forum?
Definitely sounds on-topic! (Just like these “job profile” posts are.)
I appreciate that you plan to make use of the vast online literature on this topic, rather than writing a lot of original content.
Even if your post doesn’t cover much new ground, I’ve seen other Forum posts that were among the best I’ve read on “generic” topics, so my prior is that we have a lot of good writers whose work is worth reading, even when it’s not specific to EA.