Trump-Zelensky press conference just now

This press conference is one of the most extraordinary things I’ve ever seen in my life. I think it’s worth everyone watching it.

I don’t know really what to say, other than a very general point. If and when we see World War III and/​or nuclear war in our lifetimes, it will happen, in general terms, because of the sort of thing we see in this video: individual people (probably men), with values, egos, frustrations, emotions, who disagree with each other, and can press buttons/​give commands that lead to outrageous catastrophe for millions/​billions of people.

I know that many people, especially in academia, love to come up with super complex, structural explanations for everything that happens in history and the world. And they try to analyze international relations in a super complicated way. But basically, I think a lot of what happens in history comes down to the highly contingent and unpredictable act of a few individuals.

It’s absolutely incredible to see world-shaping geopolitics play out in front of our eyes in this degree of rawness.

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