In March 2021, I proposed to create a website and an online community for Jews, like the existing organization EA for Christians. For more information on the background and goals of this project, see the original post here. In the few months since, many of you have gotten in touch and we’ve worked together to flesh out the goals of this project and create really excellent content for the website. (Please take a look and add your comments!)
We are close to being able to finish the design and launch the website. But before we launch we’d like to put together a team to make sure the launch goes well and the organization gets off to a great start.
Call for Volunteers
If you’d like to contribute to this project in any way large or small please fill out this form! And if you know anyone who may be interested, please send it their way.
You can see our next planned steps and tasks in this project management document. And you can see the general roles we would like to fill in the “team” tab of the same document as well as copied below. So if you want to fill one of the roles that is already listed (e.g., the communication lead, or a member of the communication team)--great! But if you have another way that you might want to contribute to the project that is great as well—get in touch and we can discuss.
Finally, it is by no means a requirement that you are Jewish (broadly construed: culturally, religiously, by family history, Jew-adjacent, Jew-ish, etc), to help with this project.
Proposed roles
Here are some of the roles we envision filling, but if there is a role you’d like to fill that isn’t listed here please let us know—this is not written in stone.
Strategy and operations team lead [currently I am handling this -Ben]
overall project management, strategic direction and growth, operations
Strategy and ops team member(s)
assists with strategy and operations, reports to strategy team lead
Communications team lead
social media presence, creating/curating content for FB group / mailing list / blog, potentially targeted advertising
Communications team member(s)
assists with comms, reports to comms team lead
Outreach team lead
coordinating opportunities for representatives to speak in communities, schools, universities, Cheders, youth movements etc about EA and Judaism, coordinating presentation resources, training volunteers / representatives
Outreach team member(s)
assists with outreach, reports to outreach team lead
Events lead
plans hard launch, socials for different geographies / demographics, speaker events
Events team member(s)
assists with events, reports to events team lead
Tech lead
maintains website, perhaps other graphics, helps with general tech queries
EA for Jews—Update and call for volunteers
EA for Jews—Update
In March 2021, I proposed to create a website and an online community for Jews, like the existing organization EA for Christians. For more information on the background and goals of this project, see the original post here. In the few months since, many of you have gotten in touch and we’ve worked together to flesh out the goals of this project and create really excellent content for the website. (Please take a look and add your comments!)
We are close to being able to finish the design and launch the website. But before we launch we’d like to put together a team to make sure the launch goes well and the organization gets off to a great start.
Call for Volunteers
If you’d like to contribute to this project in any way large or small please fill out this form! And if you know anyone who may be interested, please send it their way.
You can see our next planned steps and tasks in this project management document. And you can see the general roles we would like to fill in the “team” tab of the same document as well as copied below. So if you want to fill one of the roles that is already listed (e.g., the communication lead, or a member of the communication team)--great! But if you have another way that you might want to contribute to the project that is great as well—get in touch and we can discuss.
Finally, it is by no means a requirement that you are Jewish (broadly construed: culturally, religiously, by family history, Jew-adjacent, Jew-ish, etc), to help with this project.
Proposed roles
Here are some of the roles we envision filling, but if there is a role you’d like to fill that isn’t listed here please let us know—this is not written in stone.
Strategy and operations team lead [currently I am handling this -Ben]
overall project management, strategic direction and growth, operations
Strategy and ops team member(s)
assists with strategy and operations, reports to strategy team lead
Communications team lead
social media presence, creating/curating content for FB group / mailing list / blog, potentially targeted advertising
Communications team member(s)
assists with comms, reports to comms team lead
Outreach team lead
coordinating opportunities for representatives to speak in communities, schools, universities, Cheders, youth movements etc about EA and Judaism, coordinating presentation resources, training volunteers / representatives
Outreach team member(s)
assists with outreach, reports to outreach team lead
Events lead
plans hard launch, socials for different geographies / demographics, speaker events
Events team member(s)
assists with events, reports to events team lead
Tech lead
maintains website, perhaps other graphics, helps with general tech queries
Tech team member(s)
assists with tech, reports to tech team lead
Program team lead
manages programs (e.g. fellowship, reading groups, donations drive)
Program team member(s)
assists with programs, reports to program team lead (can have one specific program or multiple in portfolio)