I’m a big fan of some of the early LessWrong content, e.g.
Confidence levels inside and outside an argument
Humans are not automatically strategic
Parapsychology: the control group for science
Politics as charity
Why the tails come apart
More generally, I’d recommend much of the content by Scott Alexander (“Yvain”), Paul Christiano, Wei Dai, Gwern, Greg Lewis (“Thrasymachus”), Anna Salamon and Carl Shulman (I’m probably forgetting other names).
I’m a big fan of some of the early LessWrong content, e.g.
Confidence levels inside and outside an argument
Humans are not automatically strategic
Parapsychology: the control group for science
Politics as charity
Why the tails come apart
More generally, I’d recommend much of the content by Scott Alexander (“Yvain”), Paul Christiano, Wei Dai, Gwern, Greg Lewis (“Thrasymachus”), Anna Salamon and Carl Shulman (I’m probably forgetting other names).