Yeah, I read Introduction to Statistical Learning in R (ISLR) and then went on to Ng’s course. It was when I viewed the latter that it really clicked.
Makes sense. I think I’ll try that in the same order as well.
Re math prerequisites, Khan Academy is also how I got to being able to understand machine learning. I also did a Coursera course in Calculus, which might help.
I don’t actually know the basics of multiplying vectors and matricies (I learned them in college but forgot soon afterward), so I should learn that first.
You’ve convinced me of two changes to make:
First, I should go in sequence with my learning rather than parallel. I think I’ll aim for Khan Academy Algebra → Khan Academy Calculus I → Khan Academy Calculus II → Khan Academy Linear Algebra → Introduction to Statistical Learning → Angrew Ng’s course. (I think I’ll still do Advanced R --> Learn Hadoop in parallel, though, because my R skills are somewhat unrelated to my MR skills.) (To-do for self: re-arrange learning list.)
Second, I should spend more than 2hrs/wk on this. I can probably cut out more EA time. (To-do for self: think on this more.)
The new Global EA Summit will be coming up too, which might be a reason to get down there. You meeting people there just feels like all-round good news to me.
Yeah, I’ll come out for the Global EA Summit and you’ve convinced me to try to make a full week of it. We have a pretty flexible vacation policy here, so I shouldn’t even lose salary. I just have to reconcile this with other vacation I plan on taking. (To-do for self: plan out vacation for 2015, watch for SF EA Summit dates.)
I’m thinking of also going to SF when Joey and Xio get around to visiting SF, but I don’t know if that’s going to be in 2015.
Makes sense. I think I’ll try that in the same order as well.
I don’t actually know the basics of multiplying vectors and matricies (I learned them in college but forgot soon afterward), so I should learn that first.
You’ve convinced me of two changes to make:
First, I should go in sequence with my learning rather than parallel. I think I’ll aim for Khan Academy Algebra → Khan Academy Calculus I → Khan Academy Calculus II → Khan Academy Linear Algebra → Introduction to Statistical Learning → Angrew Ng’s course. (I think I’ll still do Advanced R --> Learn Hadoop in parallel, though, because my R skills are somewhat unrelated to my MR skills.) (To-do for self: re-arrange learning list.)
Second, I should spend more than 2hrs/wk on this. I can probably cut out more EA time. (To-do for self: think on this more.)
Yeah, I’ll come out for the Global EA Summit and you’ve convinced me to try to make a full week of it. We have a pretty flexible vacation policy here, so I shouldn’t even lose salary. I just have to reconcile this with other vacation I plan on taking. (To-do for self: plan out vacation for 2015, watch for SF EA Summit dates.)
I’m thinking of also going to SF when Joey and Xio get around to visiting SF, but I don’t know if that’s going to be in 2015.
Good luck!