I found the opening paragraph a bit confusing. Suggested edits:
Last week a young man named Onekalit turned up
The dry cough wore him down for over a month, but last week he finally managed to cough a bit of sputum
Why ‘finally’? This makes it sound like the dry cough was preventing the collection of sputum.
The incredible Gates-Foundation-funded GeneXpert test [add hyphens]
Thanks so much appreciate it, have made the edits!
Yes though, the dry cough was the thing preventing the collection of sputum.
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I found the opening paragraph a bit confusing. Suggested edits:
Last week a young man named Onekalit turned up
The dry cough wore him down for over a month, but last week he finally managed to cough a bit of sputum
Why ‘finally’? This makes it sound like the dry cough was preventing the collection of sputum.
The incredible Gates-Foundation-funded GeneXpert test [add hyphens]
Thanks so much appreciate it, have made the edits!
Yes though, the dry cough was the thing preventing the collection of sputum.