I thought this was excellent. Do you have any thoughts on further ways to “extend the GiveWell model”? For instance, GiveWell could pay organizations which took a risk incubating or investing in charities which have now reached top or standout status?
Thanks for reading and for the support! I like suggestion of a prize, which could encourage some risk-taking but also orient investment towards an objectively defined goal. Another way to extend the model would be for more and more venture philanthropists to explicitly adopt this strategy of funding projects that push towards GiveWell listing, recognizing that this is their opportunity to “exit” (IE—move on to funding other promising projects).
I thought this was excellent. Do you have any thoughts on further ways to “extend the GiveWell model”? For instance, GiveWell could pay organizations which took a risk incubating or investing in charities which have now reached top or standout status?
Thanks for reading and for the support! I like suggestion of a prize, which could encourage some risk-taking but also orient investment towards an objectively defined goal. Another way to extend the model would be for more and more venture philanthropists to explicitly adopt this strategy of funding projects that push towards GiveWell listing, recognizing that this is their opportunity to “exit” (IE—move on to funding other promising projects).
Yup, I think that should be possible. Here’s a (very wip) writeup of how this could work: https://manifoldmarkets.notion.site/Charity-Equity-2bc1c7a411b9460b9b7a5707f3667db8
Thanks for the link! I look forward to reading up on it.