António Guterres calling for urgent dramatic radical climate action − 10 actionable points

Link post

Last night Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres posted on Twitter about: “urgent dramatic radical climate action”

But he forgot to mention what is actually required? Climate change: coordination problem, not a technical problem. I much prefer leadership with vision:

⛔️ Not saying: “do something”

✅ Instead: “here is the plan”

So here is the plan: https://​​​​0x315f80C7cAaCBE7Fb1c14E65A634db89A33A9637/​​SJkyOyJt4bceRMvEUkB54Ox3Gd1YvhV43MASMsnzZn8

There are 10 points and Google Form where you can rate each of them on the scale 0-10

You can also add your signature in order to gain visibility. Just me: crazy dude. Together: different game.