The TL;DR is that it doesn’t seem particularly prioritary, since it is well attended (the NIST has an active post quantum cryptography program) and not that impactful (there are already multiple proposals to update the relevant protocols, and even if these pan out we can rearrange society around them).
I could change my mind if I looked again into the NIST PQC program and learned that they are significantly behind schedule, or if I learned that qauntum computing technology has significantly accelerated since.
I wrote a report on quantum cryptanalysis!
The TL;DR is that it doesn’t seem particularly prioritary, since it is well attended (the NIST has an active post quantum cryptography program) and not that impactful (there are already multiple proposals to update the relevant protocols, and even if these pan out we can rearrange society around them).
I could change my mind if I looked again into the NIST PQC program and learned that they are significantly behind schedule, or if I learned that qauntum computing technology has significantly accelerated since.