Although I would speculate that it would be harder for a Bryn Mawr graduate to successfully break into EA now than it would have been when EA was very, very young. So founding-era evidence may not be much evidence relating to OP’s claim that “EA organizations have become a gentrified refined versions of what they wanted to be.” (emphasis mine).
Of course I mean that, great that is one example, but most of the bigger EA organizations are packed with western talent, I will let go off of the 10 top schools point. Have you seen anyone that graduated at Addis Ababa or Trinidad or Cluj, I have not, I have interacted with primarily EU-western oriented people, the closest to diversity is that one random Ethiopian intern.
My point was, easterners are either discriminated against or EA is such an echo-chamber that you unconsciously discriminate against easterners.
Julia Wise, who works at CEA, studied at Bryn Mawr College.
(Another comment of yours makes me think by “top 10 attendee” you mean “has attended a top 10 university”.)
Although I would speculate that it would be harder for a Bryn Mawr graduate to successfully break into EA now than it would have been when EA was very, very young. So founding-era evidence may not be much evidence relating to OP’s claim that “EA organizations have become a gentrified refined versions of what they wanted to be.” (emphasis mine).