Ritchie and Chivers on the effect of Lead Exposure on IQ

Link post

Some EA orgs have backed lead elimination as an intervention: https://​​forum.effectivealtruism.org/​​posts/​​fd96FtLFACeAshqJP/​​introducing-leep-lead-exposure-elimination-project

This new podcast from two science journalists looks at the evidence on how much low-level lead exposure actually damages IQ. I haven’t listened to the whole thing, but the seem skeptical of higher estimates of the effect from the literature. I don’t know how much, if they are right, this would undermine the case for interventions like Lead Exposure Elimination Project or whether any of the information in the podcast is news to EAs who back lead elimination as a cause area. But I thought it was a good idea to link to it just in case, as I think the source is high quality. (Although, as a disclosure of potential bias, Stuart is an old friend of mine.)