I listened to the whole episode — if I understood correctly, they are mostly skeptical that there are effects at very low blood lead levels. At the end of the podcast, Stuart or Tom (can’t remember which) explicitly says that they’re not skeptical that lead affects IQ, and they spend most of the episode addressing the claimed relationship at low BLLs (rather than the high ones addressed by LEEP, CGD, other interventions).
Thanks. Yeah, it may not effect the case for LEEP at all if they’re only trying to prevent exposure to high amounts. I just thought it was better to link and find out.
I listened to the whole episode — if I understood correctly, they are mostly skeptical that there are effects at very low blood lead levels. At the end of the podcast, Stuart or Tom (can’t remember which) explicitly says that they’re not skeptical that lead affects IQ, and they spend most of the episode addressing the claimed relationship at low BLLs (rather than the high ones addressed by LEEP, CGD, other interventions).
Thanks. Yeah, it may not effect the case for LEEP at all if they’re only trying to prevent exposure to high amounts. I just thought it was better to link and find out.